That’s how you act, that’s what you get. What did you expect?
This is another African-flavored ditty. I think it’s fun to add the drums and percussion to tracks like this.
That’s how you act, that’s what you get. What did you expect?
This is another African-flavored ditty. I think it’s fun to add the drums and percussion to tracks like this.
I’m skipping ahead to the King of Clubs because there is a king in this song. I’ll come back to the Jack and Queen in the next two weeks.
This song started with some of the lyrics then I just built upon them as I went. I got to a point where I thought of a short story that I read in college by Gabriel Garcia Marquez called “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings.” I remembered the title a little differently last Monday when I was working on this though, hence the title of the song. When I found the story in my old book I realized the difference. In any case, the story by Marquez and the story in this song bear very little resemblance except for the Old Man within.
I thought about Michael Zapruder’s songs when working on this one.
This weekend I attended the wedding of two very dear friends in Big Indian, NY in the Catskills region of upstate New York. It was a great weekend with good friends and good times. The happy couple are en route to Spain as I type this and I couldn’t be happier for them. They have great families and great friends and I’m so glad that I was able to share in the experience with everyone. Thanks, guys!
The Nine of Clubs is a song with a drumbeat. These drums are synthetic but they keep good time.
This song is inspired by Sonic Youth.
This is not a Joker like the other two have been but I guess I’ll file it here becuase it’s not really one of the 52 songs, it’s more of an extra bonus. So, Jokers are all the extra bonuses. Check it!
This is another version of the “End of May” piece but instead of a guitar as the “sound generation device,” I used a MicroKorg synthesizer. Other than that I used the same setup with four guitar amplifiers and a bunch of pedals.
Enjoy–on headphones!
The last day of May has come and gone. And with its passing comes this piece of ambient fun. I used four guitar amps and a bunch of pedals to create this.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled later this week when I’ll post another version using the same setup. In part 2, instead of a guitar I used a synth.
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