Dan Hewins: The Deck 52 songs in 52 weeks: A Deck of Songs in 2009 by Dan Hewins. A song-per-week project.

March 1, 2009

Eight of Spades: Contemplation of a City: Los Angeles

Filed under: general — Tags: , , , — hewins @ 2:41 pm

A couple of weeks ago I took a trip to Long Beach and Los Angeles, CA. I really love California and I used to live in Walnut Creek a long time ago, when I was youg.

There is an ongoing rivalry between LA and New York, where I live now. People in each city think theirs is better and try to convince their counterparts of those facts.

I won’t get into what I think here in this post, but you can find out by listening to this song.

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  1. […] Eight of Spades: Contemplation Of A City: Los Angeles […]

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