Dan Hewins: The Deck 52 songs in 52 weeks: A Deck of Songs in 2009 by Dan Hewins. A song-per-week project.

December 23, 2009

Queen of Diamonds: Santa’s Taking Off For Christmas

Filed under: diamonds,red cards — Tags: , , , , , — hewins @ 12:50 am

Ok, so here’s my Christmas Song. I didn’t do a Halloween song or an Easter song or a Veterans Day song or an Arbor Day song (note to self: do an Arbor Day song). This is officially Christmas Song number 45225566265789001.

Santa’s had enough. His back hurts. Let someone else deliver the loot for once. He’s going on vacation. Deal with it!

Merry Christmas!

Jack of Diamonds: Samplemania

Filed under: diamonds,red cards — Tags: , , , , — hewins @ 12:45 am

This is one that has been in the works for a long time now. Back in the middle of August, I went to the space to record a lot of samples. I got samples of the acoustic guitar playing a bunch of different chords at different volumes (loud/quiet) and different lengths (long/short). I did the same for a clean electric guitar as well as a distorted electric guitar. Then I got single notes from the electric guitar. Then I got my voice singing Aaaah, Eeeee, and Ooooh (short and long). Then I had them and I didn’t do anything with them until tonight.

This is the first of (hopefully) a bunch of things stitched together from these samples. This one’s a bit wacky but just go with it. Maybe another in the future will be kinder to your senses.

MAYBE NOT! Who knows?

Ten of Diamonds: First Snow

Filed under: diamonds,red cards — Tags: , , , , — hewins @ 12:39 am

The Ten of Diamonds was made last week, just before the first snow of the year here in Brooklyn. But the mood is right and since I mixed it tonight, I’ll call it First Snow.

The first snow, as any of you on the Eastern Seaboard already know, was a big one. It’s the most snow I’ve seen in the city in quite a long time.

This is another of the instrumental acoustic guitar pieces. Enjoy!

December 1, 2009

Nine of Diamonds: South Carolina

Filed under: diamonds,red cards — Tags: , , , , , — hewins @ 10:54 pm

The Nine of Diamonds is essentially a Neem song. The Neem, my band back 10 years ago in St. Louis, wrote a bunch of State Songs (before John Linnell) and we got through only about eight or nine, seven of which we recorded. (New Jersey is lost forever.)

So this song is about South Carolina. I got some facts from the internet and from my brain and went for it.

I sincerely hope you enjoy… South Carolina.

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