Dan Hewins: The Deck 52 songs in 52 weeks: A Deck of Songs in 2009 by Dan Hewins. A song-per-week project.

March 29, 2009

Queen of Spades: Darn These Walls

Filed under: black cards,spades — Tags: , , , , , — hewins @ 12:00 pm

Here is another acoustic guitar based instrumental. I like the drone music. I added a few more ambient parts on top of the two acoustic guitar parts with electric guitar and a bunch of effects. One ambient track is a cymbal with the mic real close.

The name is derived from the “soundproof” walls that we have at the space. That premise (promise) is false. It’s hard to record an acoustic guitar in a room next to one of the louder bands around. They were covering a Pavement song for some of the time, so I have to give points to that. So, with those points, they are at negative 25. I just gotta live with it. Serendipitously, they ended a song right after I had ended mine so there was a little bow tied on the end of that noise gift.

March 22, 2009

Jack of Spades: A Man A Plan A Canal Panama

Filed under: black cards,spades — Tags: , , , , — hewins @ 11:11 pm

Face Card! That means I’ve made it to week eleven.

This song is another instrumental but instead of acoustic guitar, I went with electric. There are three guitar parts on here and some percussion tracks as well. This started with the original riff on the first guitar and I added a couple other parts. This may be one of the ones that could be built upon at another time to make something more out of it. But I do also like it how it is. I did this at the space on Saturday.

March 16, 2009

Ten of Spades: Subway Platform: 2:45 am

Filed under: general — Tags: , , , , , , — hewins @ 12:29 am

This week’s song is about riding the subway late at night. Very late at night, or maybe very early in the morning. It’s basically how I feel now, tired and overworked; but the only difference is that I’m home right now. Which is where I wanted to be in this song.

I did this one this weekend at the space. There are some differences between recording at home and at the space and they each have their advantages and disadvantages. At home, I have reason so I can do fake drums and synths and keyboards. But at the space, I have my better guitar, the ability to play it loudly, and my bass and, basically my better equipment. But the drawback is that the space is home to many bands and it’s not the most soundproofed place in the world, as you will be able to hear at the end of this song if you listen carefully. I think it gives it character. But that’s because I have to live with it.

Here’s a photo of the A Train platform at 34th Street at 2:45 am:

from flickr

from flickr

March 8, 2009

Nine of Spades: Road Song in the Key of We

Filed under: black cards,spades — Tags: , , , , , — hewins @ 2:41 pm

Nine of Spades is a road song. Road trips are awesome and I wish I was able to take more of them. I still haven’t done a cross-country drive and I really want to do it someday. There is so much to see and do basically anywhere you go. So, that’s what this is about. I did this at home with the acoustic guitar and reason drums. I finished the vocals at the space this weekend.

Now, I’m gonna get in a zip car and go to Long Island.

March 1, 2009

Eight of Spades: Contemplation of a City: Los Angeles

Filed under: general — Tags: , , , — hewins @ 2:41 pm

A couple of weeks ago I took a trip to Long Beach and Los Angeles, CA. I really love California and I used to live in Walnut Creek a long time ago, when I was youg.

There is an ongoing rivalry between LA and New York, where I live now. People in each city think theirs is better and try to convince their counterparts of those facts.

I won’t get into what I think here in this post, but you can find out by listening to this song.

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